Tuesday, April 19, 2005

this weekend, i....

Discovered that if you stay at a dance because you want to talk to the friend you haven't seen in a while, chances are somebody's going to coerce you into dancing

Cleared dead brush and honeysuckle from a local park, not because I was trying to better my community, but simply because it was sunny out and I decided that I need a little more color in my cheeks

Told the boy, in no uncertain terms, that under no circumstances should second-date conversation ever involve telling a girl that you'd be willing to follow her anywhere she goes when she moves in August. (I think my exact words were AUGH! Hello? Don't tell me that!)

Made a mental list of some of the men I've gone out with before. These included, but are not limited to:

Ben: I met him the day he got home from his mission. That was the first problem. The second was that he thought it was funny to call me "Mom". Not acceptable. Ever.

Brad: We spent a pleasant evening laughing at the first-date awkardness that was going on between his roommate and the girl he would propose to two weeks later.

Ken: I firmly believe that he should be the poster boy for BYU's engineering department. He fits every single engineering stereotype to a tee.

Marc: I've mentioned him in a previous post. He came to pick me up and Katie, the girl who had invited herself to live on my couch for two months, hit on him and really felt that they had a "connection". (Not White Skinned Goddess Katie. She is welcome to invite herself to live on my couch anytime. This is another Katie, whom I actually believe preferred to spell her name KT, which is something that I just can't approve of.) I will always appreciate him for introducing me to climbing, even though it was February, and my hands turned blue and numb from the cold.

Alex: I'm not really sure if it was a date, but we had lunch together once. He found me incredibly boring because I had nothing to contribute to the conversation he was having with himself about skiing, and I found him incredibly boring because he was having a conversation with himself about skiing, and refused to change the subject.

Brent: I was honestly worried that I might be related to him.

Saia: I met him at a fireside, and he got my roommate's number and then called her phone to ask me out that weekend. Unfortunately, I was on a non-date with another boy, because we were currently pretending to be interested in each other. I really wanted to go out with him, just because his name is so cool.

Ryan: He highlights his hair, frequents the tanning salon, counts calories, and would rather spend his money on clothes than anything else. Sorry, but I prefer to be the girl in the relationship

Christian: I've got to give him props for his never-give-up attitude. After I told him that no, he couldn't hold my hand and no, I would never let him hold my hand, he called me for another date.

Aaron: Man, I wish that one had worked out. He had the unique combination of charm, good looks, kindness, and humor. Unfortunately, he got engaged shortly after our date. And no, he doesn't have a brother. Dangit!

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