Monday, April 11, 2005

live and learn

I've made it my goal in life to never stop learning. And this weekend, I learned quite a few important lessons. Such as

it's okay to freak out if a boy, one that you know perfectly well has been engaged before, tells you that he's more attracted to you than he's ever been to any girl, ever

and it's also okay to vehemently agree with this boy when he admits that some people find him just a little too intense

and it's really not a great idea to go camping in the Pennsylvania mountains in April if you don't have a really good sleeping bag

and it's an especially bad idea if you're with two boys that you don't particularly want to be cuddled up next to

and just because a boy is five years younger than you, doesn't mean he can't be unbelievably hot

and lipgloss shows up in a completely different shade when your lips are sunburned

and how annoying this is when you just found the perfect color for your complexion

and my dad's my hero (see previous post)

1 comment:

Katie said...

Be attracted to the young ones. Flirt with the young ones. Its even ok to make out with the young ones. BUT, do NOT, under any circumstances, fall in love with the young ones.