Saturday, March 05, 2005

honk if you love me

Why can't they make a horn that says "I'm not mad at you, kind sir, but your car is moving towards mine very quickly, and I just want to make you aware that I am here. You know, so you don't hit me." Because, really, that's all I want to say. And horns just sound so angry. I don't want to sound angry. I'm not an angry person. I'm nice. Complete pushover, let people walk all over me kind of nice. And I don't want to contribute to the ever-worsening road rage epidemic, either. I just want to be recognized, to let people know that, yes, I'm still here, and am pleased to be driving on the same road as you. So every time I honk my horn, I panic, worrying that "oh, no, what if this guy's already having a bad day. And now he thinks I'm angry because he inadvertently cut into my lane. I don't want to make his day any worse than it already potentially is!" So I really need something besides a horn to warn drivers that they're about to hit me, a friendly reminder that, hi, I'm here, please watch out, and by the way, I hope you have a great day. I've tried waving before, but that didn't do anything. They hit me anyway. Which is really what I should have expected. I mean, if I'd thought about it at all I would have realized that if they didn't see my car that they were about to hit, probably they wouldn't see my waving, either. (Dumb, I know, but I panicked and couldn't think of anything better at the moment.) Back in the eighties, everyone thought talking cars were the wave of the future. Well, I say bring them back! Restore civility to our roads. Please?

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