Monday, May 02, 2005

a few hints

for successful dating

If you're going on a "no-pressure, no-committment, we're just trying to get to know each other" outing, stick with that. While on this excursion, do not tell her that you hope that one day she will be your wife, or that you are willing to follow her anywhere she goes. Remember how she said she doesn't want to date you? She meant it.

If she, out of the blue, starts talking constantly about her ex-boyfriend that she hasn't mentioned in months, this is probably her subtle way of telling you to BACK OFF. Because her not-so-subtle declarations that she doesn't want to date you, and that she is moving in August, and does not, in fact, want you to follow her, apparently didn't sink in.

If you've invited yourself to look through her photo albums, and run across a picture of her in her swimsuit, do not tell her that she needs to throw that photo away. It doesn't matter if you "won't be able to teach your daughters to dress modestly if they see pictures of their mother dressed like that." Especially if it's her favorite, super-cute, ONE-PIECE swimsuit. Oh, and by the way, I'm not going to be your children's mother, so you really don't need to worry about this 'immodest' picture.

Don't tell her you think her sister is fat. Just don't. And when she tries to change the subject, because she's nice and doesn't want to say all of the mean thoughts that will inevitably be running through her head, let her. Do not keep bringing it up repeatedly throughout the evening. And, by the way, a size 8 is not fat.



Anonymous said...

You know.

I'd almost think this was about you.. But since it's in semi-third person, I'm thinking it's about someone else...

Me perhaps? I'm still puzzling this out.

Oh, and well, I hope you wear a swimsuit when you go swimming.

Swimming in jeans and a sweater is not a recipie for happiness (at least from what I hear)

Kelly said...

Maybe these would be more his speed: You should send the link to this guy and tell him he can buy those for his wife someday.

Katie said...

Goo, what a weirdo that kid is. I'm so glad that you'll be out of Pennsylvania at the end of the summer.

Where in NC are you going to be?

poodle said...

that's pretty funny, kelly. i'm sure they'd make swimming laps a ton of fun.

katie - i have actually decided to go to georgia instead. the place in north carolina was beautiful, and i loved the town, but the school was pitiful, and offered me pocket change for a salary.