Saturday, May 07, 2005

happy mother's day

I love my mother for many reasons, the least of which include the fact that she is never offended by my laughter when she tries to dance in the living room. I also love her because:

She taught me that winning really does matter, even when it's only a game of Speed Scrabble.

She knows perfectly well that my dad doesn't sleep any better in the bathroom and only does so for dramatic effect, but she lets him do it anyway because she thinks it's really funny.

She did't make me feel stupid when, after 3 months without running, I decided to accompany her on her 12-mile jog, and had to stop after mile 3. She did, however, leave me on the side of the road and make me wait for her to finish, just because she thought it was really great that, at the age of 48, she could run farther than her 22-year-old daughter.

Every time I come home, our first conversation always involves her mentioning that we really should go shopping on her day off.

She knows what "stacked" means and uses it in everyday conversation.

She signs all of her emails and letters "Mom the Bomb", because she is the bomb.

She only swears one day out of the year, and that day happens to be Christmas Eve. Always.

She requested hotdogs for her Mother's day dinner.

Oh, yeah. And she's finished med school, has run 8 marathons, placed second in her division in one of them, is an amazing pianist, a master pastry chef, and raised six kids who have all turned out pretty okay. But who pays attention to that?


SRA said...

The question is, though, if a boy has ever told you: "Your Mom is so stacked!" like in The Sandlot...I think. haha I was in SanAn on's gorgeous! If we would have had time, I'd have called your mom...since she sounds like, well, the bomb. :) ~~

Anonymous said...

Your mom is so cool! ~ Jef

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