Saturday, September 03, 2005

i'm a teacher?

If any of my physics students have wondered whether I'm really old enough to be teaching high school, I think they got their answer yesterday.

When I told them they could play the last ten minutes of class if somebody got up and danced in front of the whole class. Which somebody did.

And when I let the boys compete to see who could chug the most Sprite. And had a great conversation with the girls about shoe shopping.

But in my defense, I made sure they had all finished their work. And they're way ahead of the other classes because they're so darned smart. And always pay attention during class.

And I at least made the boys say "excuse me" when they belched after their chugging contest. And I would not allow belching to become a part of the contest.

I have things under control. Totally.

1 comment:

SRA said...

*rofl* Seriously hilarious. Those kids get their work done 'cuz they like you and want to do well in your class. Yay. ~~