Monday, June 27, 2005

an actual conversation taking place at sonic

me: I'd like a medium flurry, please.
order-taking girl: Okay. What flavor would you like?
me: What flavors do you have?
girl: Every flavor.
me: Strawberry, then.
girl: We don't have strawberry.
me: Oh. Well, what do you have, then?
girl: All the flavors.
me: Okay... How about raspberry?
girl: We don't have raspberry.
me: Well, what flavors do you have?
girl: I told you, we have everything.
me: But you don't have strawberry?
girl: Right.
me: Or raspberry?
girl: Nope.
me: But you have every flavor.
girl (making no attempt to hide her annoyance): Yes. That's what I said.
me: What's your favorite flavor, then?
girl: Oh, I don't know. I like them all.
me: Never mind. I'll just have an ocean water, thank you very much.