Thursday, January 31, 2008

the other one

So I have this other roommate. Not the same one that eats my food and tries to curl up on the luvsac with the Elders, but almost as amusing. And she loves to shop.

So she came home from her most recent shopping venture and was showing us all of her new clothes by trying them on. (something much like a fashion show.) After several lovely outfits, she comes into the room wearing a coat. Nothing but a coat. And this coat has a grand total of three buttons.

Um, Laura, I think you forgot to put your pants on.

No. This is a dress.

Now that's where you're wrong. It's actually a coat.

Well, I know that. But I think it's a dress, too.

Trust me. It's not a dress. Not even close. And she's wearing it to church on Sunday. She has thankfully agreed to wear a skirt under the "dress", but no shirt. We're still working on that one.


MOM THE BOMB said...

I love your roommates. They´re hilarious!

Ashley Erin said...

wow. i do not understand some people.

MOM THE BOMB said...

OK, I´m dying to know what she wore to church.

melancholyjune said...

one word: pictures

Charlo said...

hu huh hu hu hu.