Tuesday, October 11, 2005


I've been trying all week to think of things to write about, and have come up with nothing. Mainly because my students really just haven't been that entertaining lately. And since they are my sole source of entertainment, that means that I have nothing funny to say.

Unless I want to write about when my seventh-period class was playing a review game. The first team wanted their team name to be Ultimate Frisbee, so I wrote UF on the board for short. So the other team thought it would be pretty clever to be Fun University, so I would write FU on the board. And I fell for it, too, much to their delight.

And then I went to Utah this weekend and saw my friend Phil and realized that I haven't done a good job of keeping in touch with anybody since I started working. Except for Wendy, who emails me throughout the day.

And then I remembered that I'm going to DC this weekend, just for fun. So that when my students ask me what I do for fun, I have something to say besides "tell funny stories about you guys." They'll be thrilled.

And that is the end of my story.