Monday, December 08, 2008

final exams

So I always give the same bonus question on all of my final exams:

"Explain any concept that we learned this year that was not addressed on the exam."

It gives the kids an opportunity to explain the stuff they studied but that I didn't ask about. Some of them impress me with their knowledge. Some do not. I always get a few interesting responses.

Some of them are blatantly butt-kissing: "I learned that I love physics and that Ms. Reed is the best teacher ever!"

Right. Sure you did.

Some of them are a little funny: "I learned that Michael Scott burned his foot on a George Foreman grill because he likes the smell of fresh-cooked bacon in the morning."

I think I talk about The Office just a little too much.

And my personal favorite: "I learned that Ms. Reed really likes candy."



MOM THE BOMB said...

I like the last one.

Bexie Funk said...

those kids are funny.

Charlo said...

I think the office references are blatant butt kissing, because they are trying to connect with you.

Some of those others might be too, but it might honestly (for some of them) be their way of saying "thank you for making Physics fun." Like I said, some of those, most of them, were probably brown nosing, but remember that some of them really do appreciate you. You're a Poodle, what's not to love?