Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Nice Gums

Somebody told me today that I have great gums. Yup, that's right, great gums. He may have even said they were beautiful, although I don't remember exactly. The whole scene's a little fuzzy. I turned red and then laughed. Because that's what I do when I don't know what to say. And honestly, what do you do when somebody compliments your gums? I guess thank you is always a good option, but didn't think fast enough. Or maybe I could have invited him to take a closer look. I'll remember that next time.

Okay, now admittedly, complimenting somebody's gums is a bit odd. Very odd, actually. But I was flattered. I'm pretty relaxed about most things, but when it comes to my teeth and gums, I obsess. My dentist told me that I brush too vigorously. Seriously? Who knew that was possible? I floss at least twice a day, sometimes more if I have the chance, have bleached my teeth at least 3 times, use a fluoride rinse to keep my teeth strong, and rinse with Listerine every morning and night. For exactly one minute each time, plus 5 extra seconds, just to be safe. Because if you only rinse for 59 seconds, it just doesn't quite do the job. Words like Gingivitis and gum disease creep me out. Seriously, your mouth is the worst possible place to allow germs to fester and develop diseases. Yick. So I buy every mouth-cleansing product available, and use them obsessively. And somebody finally noticed! It's an obscure fixation, yes, but still. I made an effort, and somebody noticed.

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