Tuesday, December 15, 2009

three days

And then two weeks of freedom. To say that I am looking forward to two quiet weeks at home is an understatement.

But since the end of the semester is upon us, I have begun receiving holiday gifts from students. (They're nice.)

A few of my favorites include:
Barnes and Noble gift card. There's nothing better than being able to order 4 books and pay nothing.

Sugar Wafers. One of my students brings snacks to class every day, and I always steal them. The sugar wafers are my favorites, so she bought me a package that I get to eat all by myself.

American Express gift card. Okay, maybe there is something better than being able to order 4 books and pay nothing. Being able to buy whatever I want and pay nothing.



MOM THE BOMB said...

I'm jealous of the sugar wafers - I can't get them here. Nice students!

Bexie Funk said...

you have such nice students. it almost makes me want to be a teacher and then i think of the work and think maybe not.