Wednesday, January 21, 2009

9 degrees

That's how cold it was yesterday. But we still got up at 4 am because, as boring as history books are, it's kind of cool when you're there.

Notice how it's still pitch black outside?

Katelyn was trying to get everyone on the platform to join in the official Obama cheer. I'm pretty sure she made it up. When I say O, you say BAMA, O-BAMA, O-BAMA! Conveniently enough, it also works for Oprah, in case you want to cheer for her too.

The metro ride wasn't nearly as bad as reporters tried to make it sound. We got on the first train that came by, and even got seats! (Well, Ryan got a seat but was nice enough to give it to me.)

This is the last picture we have with Erica and Anne. Turns out, they are way cooler and way more important than we are, so they got to sit on the podium with Barack and everybody else. Okay, maybe not next to Barack, but they were pretty darn close. (Check out the picture Anne got!. Whoa.) I decided I need to start hanging out with Anne more. Not only is she awesome, but she has connections.

See Yo-Yo Ma? And see the girl in the purplse scarf behind Yo-Yo Ma to the left? That would be Erica. And Anne is next to her.

While our view wasn't quite the same as Erica and Anne's, it was not bad.

There were lots of snipers.

And tons of people. (Glad I wasn't way back there!)

Before we could get to our seats, we had to wait in a long line. For about 3 hours. And then wait another 3 hours for the inauguration to actually start. After 5 minutes, Laura was about to give up and go home. It was cold. I guilted her into staying. And let her sleep on me.


MOM THE BOMB said...

Wow! I just watched from my warm couch. I'm sure Laura was glad you didn't let her bail.

erica s said...

I'm glad you put your foot down about Laura too! It was amazing!

Emily Hamilton said...

I am sooo jealous, other than the cold part. :)

Bexie Funk said...

that's so cool! you were a part of history, i'm pretty sure i'll never be. go poodle.