Thursday, August 30, 2007


Okay, guys. News flash. The fact that marketers slap the name "Einstein" on their product does not make their movies educational. Just a hunch, but I think if he were alive, he might be insulted. And I'm pretty sure that staring at a television screen is not highly educational.

Unless educational is defined as "modeling after our education system." Because staring blankly in front of them is what children do in school every freaking day.

I'm not really sure who decides what goes on in schools, but I'm pretty sure they've never met a child.

1 comment:

Charlo said...

YUp. thats why Brett's mom stopped teaching after a year... especially public schools... they tell you who what when where and how to teach, and you know its not the most effective way, but you have to do it according to the beuacracy of it all.

I'd have to disagree with you partially though.

I've learned a lot more from watching Mythbusters than I ever learned in my science classes. With the exception of physics. I learned a lot in AP Physics.