Monday, December 18, 2006

final exam bonus

"Explain something physics related that we discussed this year that was NOT addressed on the exam."

Guess how many students did NOT answer the bonus? Way too many. That's two free points, just because I was really getting into the whole Christmas spirit idea.

And guess how many students did NOT bring a calculator to a FINAL EXAM IN PHYSICS?!? Exactly 25% of the class. But they wouldn't know that, because they didn't have a calculator!


MOM THE BOMB said...

I don't know what's worse - not bringing a calculator to your physics exam or not being able to calculate 25% without one.

Katie said...

I forgot to bring a calculator to my Solid Mechanics mid-term this year. Oops! It really made multiplying matricies hard.

Anonymous said...

i once brought a calculator to a bio exam
didnt help though