Wednesday, February 09, 2005

this is a true story

Now, just so you know, I love my roommate dearly, and she really is much smarter than this may make her sound. But it happened over 2 years ago, and I still laugh out loud every time I think about it.

Poodle! Guess what I got at the store!

Um, a box of milk duds you want to share with me?

No. Good guess, though. I got TWO GALLONS for THREE DOLLARS.

Two gallons of what?

You know, two gallons.

Um, right. But two gallons of what?

Just two gallons.

You know, I still just don't really get it.

Two gallons. For three dollars!

Right. You said that. Two gallons of what?

Nothing! Just two gallons.

You bought two gallons of NOTHING for three dollars?


Friend, I think you just got RIPPED OFF.

No! They were selling one gallon for $3.50 So two gallons was a better deal.

Oh, yes. Smart move. I'd much rather have two gallons of nothing than just one.

Yeah, I know! That's a lot more, for less!


I have no idea why Smith's thought they could sell intelligent customers two gallons of nothing for three dollars. But thanks to my roommate, they did.

*This story is completely, totally, 100% true. Well, maybe only 95% true. I don't think I ever said anything about milk duds. But they sure sound good, don't they?


Katie said...

Two gallons of nothing isn't better than one. Just think of it, you have to store your nothing in a bigger spot, it takes more effort to move it from apartment to apartment, and in the end when you throw away your nothing containers it fills up the landfill faster. Two is not always better than one.

poodle said...

yes, that's exactly why the two gallons of nothing was, in fact, cheaper than the one gallon. because we found out very quickly that the two-gallon nothing container fits in exactly zero cupboards or shelves. so she threw away the nothing much quicker than she had expected.