Tuesday, March 19, 2013

birthday do-over

This is a public service announcement to let everybody know that Bexie is getting a birthday do-over.  All she ever wanted was to be able to make herself a fancy birthday cake  (seriously... this is all she wanted?)  but due to a biking injury, no cake was to be had.  Therefore, her birthday for the year of 2013 will be on April 19.  And it will most certainly involve fancy cake. (Which she made for herself...)

But until next month, I hope Bexie had the best cake-free birthday that could have possibly been had!


MOM THE BOMB said...

Yep, she needs a do-over!

Bexie Funk said...

thanks poodle! i think i may do a chocolate peanut butter cake next month!

Ashley Erin said...

She did have cake on her bday. She made a PRACTICE cake. And it looked better than my real cakes.