Friday, December 10, 2010


I am officially 30, guys. (Don't tell Santa. He might stop coming to my house, and that would be catastrophic.)

All in all, though, turning 30 was pretty fun. My coworkers bought me a cotton candy machine (which I have used more times than I care to admit). My mom bought me a sewing machine (thanks mom!), Katelyn bought me a gingerbread house mold (guess what I'm doing when I go home for Christmas!) and I finished off the evening with Thai food.

PS - Remember how last year I made a list of 30 things I wanted to accomplish before I turned 30? Yeah. Me too. That's all.


Bexie Funk said...

don't worry i'm pretty sure most people would think you're at least 10 years younger!

rmreed said...

you can start your 40 list now.