Sunday, October 05, 2008

another weekend

Not much happened this weekend, because i'm saving all of my fun for next weekend, when I get four days in a row of no work and all fun. Awesome. Jewish holidays are great!

Friday night, Rochelle and I went out to dinner down in Bethesda, and stopped at a department store where I found some mascara that does not smudge. It's magical. I even slept with it on (because I was too tired to take it off) and when I woke up in the morning, it still wasn't smudged! I'm hooked. The woman also gave me free samples of Armani bronzer (fantastic) and some sort of hair smoothing product that better be fabulous considering they charge $95/bottle. I'll let you know how it is.

Saturday morning we played flag football (fun, even though I'm terrible) then watched conference and ate the cake Rochelle made. Sunday morning, I ate the French Toast Rochelle made, watched more conference, and made another batch of Lemon Buttermilk sherbet. Ahhh....

Now I'm ready for my glorious three-day work week.


Bexie Funk said...

sounds like rochelle makes yummy food.

MOM THE BOMB said...

What is Rochelle going to cook when I'm there?
What Jewish holiday are you celebrating? Last week was the celebration of the Jewish New Year. Because we have two large synagogs close to our home, it took me an hour just to get out of the neighborhood.

erica s said...

What mascara is it? I have an obsession with mascara.