Friday, November 30, 2007


now i don't have to work at anthropologie for $8 an hour. and i can afford this trip to SPAIN i'm planning over spring break.

i get to teach a summer class on engineering design/robotics. i'm pretty sure this is my dream. it pays well, it only 3 hours a day, and each class only lasts two weeks. i get to teach 3-6 classes. wahoo!!!

this leaves plenty of time for sleeping in, reading, and playing in DC. and i don't have to go through any sort of crappy application or interview process.

the moral of the story is: be friends with me. i bring good luck.


Lindsey said...

Can you get me a job at Anthropologie for $8 per hour?

MOM THE BOMB said...

That IS a dream job! Fabulous!

N.F. said...

I'd like to be your friend.


For the teaching thing. And, the job thing. Period.

Anonymous said...

Good for you! And, I heart Spain.

Katie said...

Wow, that is SO awesome! It sounds like it will be really fun too!

Charlo said...

Well, I'd like to be your friend, but it turns out, that it is not that easy.