Thursday, April 12, 2007


Is not something that Catholics are allowed to say during Lent.

And since I work at a Catholic school, I am made aware of these things, and I pass that knowledge on to my students so that they all know that I am Catholic-friendly.

But sometimes I wish I hadn't shared this with them, because it turns out I say Halleluiah a lot. Like when teenagers do dumb things. And then they stop doing dumb things, and it just makes me so happy I have no choice but to shout Halleluiah!

And that may or may not make me a sinner.


Ashley Erin said...

you are not a sinner. but i am.

Charlo said...

what if you disguise it... you know, like "halle-d@mn-luiah"... since they can apparently say d@mn... but I cannot.