Tuesday, October 02, 2012


This week is spirit week at our school (yippee!), which means every day the kids (and teachers - double yippee!) get to dress up in a different theme.

Today was clash day.  On principle, I do not participate in clash day.  I see no need to intentionally make myself look like a fool, thank you very much.  I do that perfectly well without wearing tacky clothes.

This morning, the chemistry teacher walked into the faculty room complaining that none of the other teachers had dressed up for clash day.  Then he stopped, looked at me, and said "Oh, never mind.  You clash!"

And then my self-esteem skyrocketed.

The end.


Bexie Funk said...

did you punch them in the face first? your blog makes me laugh so much, i love it! and I wouldn't worry about what a male, high school chemistry teacher thinks matches.

Ashley Erin said...

lol. you should come up to NYC so we can go buy clashing clothes.

erica s said...

that.is.hilarious. just so you know though i think you always look darling.