I made two different items for last week's Iron Chef, to assure myself the win. It totally worked.
First up: Parisian Macarons. I've never tried them before, and had no idea what they were supposed to taste like, but it seems like everywhere I look, people are raving about them. So I gave them a shot.

I loved them so much, I made a double batch for our faculty potluck so that I would have plenty of leftovers to take home and share with Katelyn. (She loved them, and I'm totally a sucker for flattery.) Too bad my coworkers ate all of them!!!
The winner: Lemon Buttermilk Sherbet. I considered making my own cones to go along with it, but didn't have time. If you do not own an ice cream maker, go buy one. If you have never had lemon buttermilk sherbet, make some. (In fact, make a double batch. You won't regret it.) This is probably the 5th time I've made it, and it gets better every time.
Next month's ingredient: honey! Any ideas?
I need the recipe for lemon buttermilk sherbet. It looks fabulous! Congrats on the win!
i want the recipe too!
baklava for next month.
I went back for another cookie and they were all gone. I seriously contemplated eating someone's half eaten cookie off their plate. THEY WERE SO GOOD!!!!
wait? did you jump off the vegan train? cause i'm pretty sure buttermilk and honey are both vegan illegal... ?
i need the parisian macaroon recipe pls.
Oooh, I was going to suggest baklava for next month too! It's one of my very favorite treats.
That ice cream looks fantastic...where did you get the recipie?
I didn't know you could just make your own waffle cones. At work we have to have a special waffle iron and roller for them.
WOW!! Those look really good. My mouth is watering. Could I get the recipe?
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