Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Thoughts on Reading

So, the Penn State campus is huge. I park out by the stadium, and it takes me about 30 minutes to walk from my car to my class, which is on the opposite end of campus. There are busses available that loop around campus, but the weather's great this time of year, so I wanted to take advantage of it while it's still not too cold, so I walk. Anyway, I realized that my mind wanders a lot during my 30 minute stroll, so I started bringing along a book to read. I've been trying really hard lately to control my thoughts and to make sure that my mind is always actively engaged, so I thought that reading a book would be a good idea. I've already finished 2 books in about a week and a half. (Both of which were excellent.) Anyway, I noticed that on the days that I read, I concentrate a lot better on my classes and it's so much easier to focus my mind. It's really pretty amazing.

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