Sunday, November 11, 2007

okay, mom

Okay, mom. Here's a partial birthday list:

From American Eagle (and all on sale):

This Sweater (xs):

These Pants (size 2 long):

This shirt (xs)

This shirt:

And this shirt:

Then I would also like these sheets. 800 Thread count in light blue for a full-sized bed.

And maybe a blanket like this for my bed:

This mattress topper is TOTALLY on sale. Almost 80% off!!!
And I could also use a large chest for storing my shoes, and another bookcase for my books. There's a chest that I found at Target for $60, but I can't find it online.

And I need a plain colored turtleneck. You can pick the color. Anything but black, because I have black already.

And I would really like to read this book Emotional Intelligence.

And I would pay good money for a batch of your eclairs.

Unfortunately, Anthropologie won't let me copy their pictures right now. But they're expensive anyway.

If you need more ideas, i've got plenty. Thanks, mom!


Ashley Erin said...

you want more stuff than i own.

MOM THE BOMB said...

I love these clothes! I'll have lots of fun shopping. You'll get plenty of my eclairs at Christmas. That is if I can borrow sombody's kitchen. I can't wait to see you!

MOM THE BOMB said...

Can you put what colors you want with each item? Otherwise, you might be getting purple berry.

poodle said...

the colors that are up are the ones i like. and don't you love the sales?

yes, i know i want more than most people own. that's because i'm vain and materialistic. and i'm okay with that.

i could also use some curtains for my window in my room. blue ones.

Lindsey said...

Don't get the white shirt. Because I said so.

Katie said...

Hey, these are all SO cute! I usually skip over AE because I think some of their clothes are a little "younger" looking, but these are awesome. Good eye for a sale, poodle.

Hey, email me your address these days!

Katie said...
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