Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Costa Rica

It's pretty much the greatest thing I've ever seen.

And I really do have lots of stories to tell, which start with this. I almost died. And not in the oh-this-place-is-so-beautiful-I-feel-like-I've-died-and-gone-to-heaven kind of dying, although that aspect was certainly present. I'm talking about the real kind of dying, where they'd have to find someone to replace me at my job, and my plastic utensils and books and other valuables would be divided up and whatnot.

It's my own fault, really. We tried out the touristy beach and realized after about 2.2 minutes that we are not really "beach" people. So we found another, more secluded beach with iguanas and crabs and monkeys and the whole deal, and got so excited about watching the iguanas eat the crabs that we failed to notice the tide was coming in and washing our stuff away into the deep blue ocean.

But then we noticed. And then we noticed the jagged boulders separating us from safety. And then we panicked.

So now we're definitely not beach people.


Ashley Erin said...

we really did almost die. and it's a lot scarier than she made it sound. she's not that dramatic.

Charlo said...

well, ashley was over due for a surgery or a near death experience...your own fault for going with her