Friday, May 04, 2007

placing bets

Who thinks I can survive the next three weeks on $40?

Because that is exactly how much cash I have at the moment, and what with the moving and the exorbitant price of living in DC, and the exorbitant price of moving my furniture up to DC, and my upcoming trip to Costa Rica and whatnot, I'm trying to not spend money. That would throw off my carefully planned budget, the one that I created based on the amount of money I actually have in my account at the time.

Based on the fact that my freezer is currently stocked with corndogs and chicken nuggets, and that my school is feeding me more than once in the next few weeks, and the severe lack of shopping in this little town, and the fact that I can be alarmingly stubborn when I so choose, I'm pretty sure I can make it.

Who wants to place bets?


Charlo said...

You eat corn dogs?

Ashley Erin said...


Anonymous said...

i love corn dogs