Friday, November 20, 2009

"so we were bumming around the physics website...."

"And we noticed your birthday is coming up.

So we decided we needed to celebrate."

One thing I am thankful for this Thanksgiving: Students who find it cool to "bum around the physics website" and who love stupid physics jokes as much as I do.

(In case anyone is wondering, "Force Magic" is what my kids use to explain anything they can't understand. I'm not sure how it started, but it stuck.)

Thursday, November 19, 2009


I am almost done reading this book, and I LOVE it. Go out and buy it.

my first

I ran my first half marathon last weekend. It was delightful, although I have to say I was disappointed in the junk food options at the end of the race. They had lots of good stuff during the race, but who wants to stop and eat pound cake when they're running 13 miles? As it turns out, not me. Or anyone else, for that matter.

Ben was nice enough to come along and act as official photographer. He's great. He also discovered all kinds of settings on my camera that I never knew about. Guess what?! My camera can automatically take a picture when the subject smiles! And a lot of other neat stuff. Go Ben.

Aren't they so cute together?

If you look really closely, you can see Erica in purple, dashing toward the finish line.

I have about eight pictures just like this, because my camera took a picture every time we smiled! I love this camera more every day.

Pre-race, when I was really happy and not at all sore. That didn't last long.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

This is my school

humidity blocker

This might be the single greatest hair product ever made.

Today, I walked through the rain and my hair didn't frizz or curl. I didn't have to put my hair in a ponytail. That's the first time this has happened since I was 5.

Not only does my hair look better, but my overall quality of life just shot up.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

One more picture

I also participated in the wheelbarrow race at our school olympics. It's way harder than I remember. We lost miserably.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

school life

Otherwise known as, I Love my Job

Reason #1: Spirit Week! I'm hiding under the tarp. It was cold and rainy, but I had blue hair and a home-made Faculty 4x100 Team Tshirt. What more could you want out of spirit week?

Reason #2: Experiential Education. We took our freshmen on an overnight rafting/camping trip. We made them stand in freezing cold water and pass their packs across the river. They hated it. It was fabulous.
I am SO helpful. Good thing those kids had me around to carry that raft down to the river.